Cornelia (wife of Aemilius Paullus)

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Cornelia (wife of Aemilius Paullus)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cornelia (around 46 BC-16 BC) was the daughter of Scribonia and consul Publius Cornelius Scipio Salvito. She was married twice. Her first husband was Sextus Julius Caesar III. Together they had one son born in 32 BC, named Sextus Julius Caesar IV. Her second husband was the censor Lucius Aemilius Paullus. Their first son Lucius Aemilius Paullus married his cousin Julia the Younger and their second son Marcus Aemilius Lepidus was consul in 6. She also had a daughter called Aemilia Paulla born in 22 BC who married Publius Memmius Regulus.

Cornelia was the sister of Cornelius Scipio, and was the elder half-sister of Julia the Elder. Cornelia died in the same year of her brother's consulship; if this brother is identified as P. Cornelius Scipio, the date was 16 BC Emperor Augustus, her stepfather, grieved her death as he found her a worthy elder sister to his daughter, Julia. The poet Propertius wrote an elegy of Cornelia for her funeral, praising her virtue and family, including Scipio and Scribonia.

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